My lighting art contributions to Halo Infinite Season 2! On this map, Breaker, I came in near the end stages to apply polish, bug fixes, and performance optimizations across sections of the map.
In order to maintain optimal performance across the variety of machine specs (Xbox one, Xbox One X, Series S, Series X, PC) I had to adjust light fades, shadow fades, static shadow resolutions, and dynamic shadow resolutions in a few areas of the map. In particular, we were surpassing the cap on our light datum budget, and I had to bring that number of active lights back below the cap for optimal perf. I also had to reduce our air probe count in the map, which was a longer task than I had originally expected when taking on the task! Near the blue side of the map I had the majority of my adjustments, as well as in a few other areas shown in screenshots.
Foundational Lighting by Yury Vorobiev and the lighting team at Sperasoft!